
The Hammer :0 - Mission RP

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Stubborn-Dog-Kennels's avatar

Literature Text

It was early morning, barely sunrise. The grayish orange red hues where just beginning to tint the sky, teasing at the thick frigid fog that loomed over the landscape. Breathing in the morning air, steady breathing coming out in small white puffs of tipsy smoke, Quinn looked at the two dogs before her. Red and Toller, these two where first up and the front runners for up ranking. Over looking Tollers previous task bumble due to he and red working together Quinn had allowed him to partake in this task. If they both completed this, they would only have one final challenge. Shrouded in the orange tinted, early morning mist, the towering 4 storey backdrop of the old asylum loomed. Gargoyle carvings and spires striking out of the fog, glaring hauntily down and the dogs below, its grayish work stone, riddled with sections of Ivy and crumbling, windows were broken and smashed, roof tiles loose and missing. It was an odd sight, out here of the for nether border of their territory- most animals stayed well clear of it and for good reasons. There were many an untold horror happened behind these walls, Unspeakable torture by humans to their own kind. It had long since been shut down, but the shrieks of past patients seem etched into the very stones of the building. The scent of medicines still clung to the hall ways, beds; medical equipment personal items were strewn about the halls and rooms of the institution. most rooms where left wide open- a rare few where locked and Quinn had explored this place only a few times with Atro and had no desire what so ever to break into the locked rooms Sat, a good ten meters away from the wide open double doors of the asylum Quinn chose to speak. "This is your second task- your final and last task will be the fight to rank up. While the last task tested your brains, this one will test your courage- your fear and possibly your mental health. I won't lie- I'm not particularly fond of this place so I'd appreciate it if the both of you didn't take all day with this..." she licked her muzzle and shuffled slightly next to cinders, they didn't normally use this test on cannon fodder but Atro had been in particularly bad mood upon handing this out. "This is rather straight forward- find the lobotomy room, and bring back one of the hammers. Any questions? "

The day was crisp, cool and clear. It was sunrise in the Di Fonga Storm drain as usual, except Cinders had been awoken by Quinn this morning and instructed on what to do. Picking Hector and Tuluse from the many sleeping bodies of dogs in the main area, she'd led them out into the coolly bright dawn. From there they were led by Quinn to the haunting building atop the hill of their north border; The Asylum. Cinders had heard rumors of the place and her previous visit to the old, eerie building had put her off returning to it. It had a cracked and old facade and looked especially looming today, as it pierced the steel gray and pastel orange streaked sky with its inky black silhouette. Cinders, whom now sat in front of the tall, sinister and rusted iron gates next to Quinn and in front of the two CF's, shuddered. She hated this place and all it stood for, and definitely did not envy Tuluse and Hector. "And don't make us come in searching for you," She added once Quinn had finished the instructions. "I suggest you two stick together..." Then she stood and moved aside from the tall gates, pressing her shoulder into the cold iron and pushing it open with a shrill shriek.

The poodle was pulled from a sound sleep to hear orders being barked at Hector and him. It was very early in the morning, sky still sporting that pale orange and blue mix of sky. He stretched and followed the other three out. He sniffed along as they walked, ears perking in alert to wherever they were heading. His orange eyes looked up an old, stonish grey building. The outside was rimmed and hanging to weeds and vines. Quinn gave the orders that they needed to go and find, another item. A small chill was sent down his spine, but his face stayed blank. Hopefully this would truly be as straightforward as Quinn stated. She finished, and then Cinders added. He sighed heavily, glancing over at the Toller, before walking forward towards the doors. His tail low and swaying, head same level as his shoulders. The place smelled weird, it looked weird. Humans…weird.

Hector was strongly relieved Quinn had been kind enough to offer them a new shot at a test - and he would rather have twenty filthy sewer rats chew off his ears than fucking it up again. Having failed to solve such a simple riddle - when you really thought about it - had made him feel so utterly ashamed and disgusted with himself, he'd wanted to find an abandoned corner of nowhere to curl up and die quietly. But now, he just nodded as Quinn finished explaining this new challenge. A hammer. That sounded fine to him - he knew what those looked like. Meeting Tuluse's look, he followed the grand poodle inside, and was negatively surprised by what he saw. The entire building was a complete mess. Debris littered the hallways; dust, dirt, paper sheets, all kinds of filthy items shattered across the narrow space. Grimacing, Hector marched on, mindful of his steps to avoid making contact with the sharp shards of glass lying randomly about. There was a clear scent drifting on the air, a smell of complete fear and utter hopelessness and a horror so sickeningly real it made the young Toller's skin crawl. This place was the very definition of gruesome; each step forward was as reluctant as it possibly could be. But he continued making his way through the endless halls, climbing stairs and turning corners with a faint sense of dread, jaws tense as he fought the temptation of just getting the hell out of there. He would do this - he wasn't a coward. But then again, he was sure even the bravest of hearts would have second thoughts about entering this place...

Follow them, see how they do. I must go to Atro," Quinn said shortly before she wished Cinders luck and left. Follow them? In there? Alone? Cinders gulped and made her way up the drive after the two males' tails had disappeared inside. The once smooth cobblestone pathway was cracked with grass poking between the narrow spaces. It tickled her paws as she made her way to the base of sinister place, stepping up onto the steps as quietly as she could then waiting by the entrance. She could hear the males picking their way through the undoubted mess and stood stock-still, waiting for them to move on before she could enter herself.

Tuluse licked a tongue over his muzzle, walking alongside Hector. His eyes orange were quick to scan the rooms, the hallways. All the paint chipped off the walls littering the floor. Broken glass and medical equipment looked broken on long, thin beds, "V'umans are sick creatures…" He said lowly, a growl to add. He poked his head into one room, nose to the ground to investigate it. He walked around it, sniffing for anything that proved useful. He bumped into an odd chair with wheels, and it creaked forward, bumping into the wall. The poodle recoiled, moving backwards from the room, "V'here v'would z'e hammer be?" He glanced at the Toller, and then continued to walk, the eerie silence getting to him. The probably weren't even on the third floor yet of this old, creepy place. The poodle walked into yet another room, one that interested him. Apparently the humans forgot, or rushed to clean this room out. It carried a foul stench, not smelling of medical, but death. In the middle of the room sat a cart with a vase of wilted, dead flowers, surrounding it were rows of beds in each of the corners. The poodle felt a thick glob of saliva make it down his throat, and he huffed warily. He walked into the room, almost cat like, very cautious. He sniffed at each of the beds until he found that smell. That revolting smell of rotting flesh. His eyes looked over the lump on the bed, covered by a thin blanket. Despite everything that told him not to, the poodle gently took the sheet in his jaws, and pulled back to reveal a mangled, rotting body. Tuluse growled at it, backing up a bit, the smell was even worst now, "V'hat do v'ou think they did in v'is place?" He felt his ears pin back against his skull, his words rolling out like heavy fog.

Hector scented the air carefully, trying to locate the lobotomy room Quinn had mentioned, but the stench of antibiotics and alcoholic liquids and the metallic smell of blood made it difficult for him to sort it out. He paused to send glare at a fat spider, its web gleaming silver in the light from a broken, grimy window. The ominous feel of this House from Hell would not be something he'd forget easily. Suppressing a shudder, he opted to release a sigh instead, his eyes moving to warily regard the damaged walls around him. There were holes and deep scratches covering the matted surface, even the occasional splatter of very familiar crimson substance, and he grimaced once more. Humans were truly morbid beyond all comprehension. "Ah'm not sure," he answered Tuluse's question about the item they were searching for, frowning. Lobotomy? What did that even mean? He had not heard the term before. Shifting in something akin to a shrug, he jumped over the broken remains of a chair and followed Red into a room, the air heavily tainted with death. He gave a sharp bark of startled surprise when the poodle removed a dirty blanket from one of the beds and revealed the rotting corpse of a human - "What th' bloody fuckin' hell!?" Hector felt his hackles rise, sneering a reply to Tuluse, "I believe they've done what they do best - cause pain and misery for anyone but 'emselves." Shaking his head he left the room, wanting to put as much distance between himself and the human remains as possible. Sniffing around again, he made a decision. "If we follow th' strongest scent of blood, I think we migh' find 'em ruddy hammers." Giving Tuluse a glance and cocking his head towards a set of wide stairs, he walked off and started making his way upwards, trying to ignore the images of the carcass that resided in his mind.

And so another day had come to pass in company to the Di Fonga Hounds. Faith found life within the gang, while monotonous at times, still an interesting thing, and surely something that did not lack in vigor when times did become boring. Her most recent encounter with Quinn proved this; while the shepherd had taken to the monotony of border patrol, finding nary an exciting or suspicious thing, she'd coincidentally happened upon the Capo Cane, whom had just left the abandoned asylum on the edge of town. After informing Faith about the test of bravery Hector and Red were undergoing, and asking her to take part in supervising alongside Cinders, Quinn proceeded back to the Storm Drain, leaving her Elite to her task. After a lengthy jog Faith found herself before the looming, seemingly careening Asylum, with its broken façade and sinister atmosphere. She'd seen a ghost – or... at least, she thought she had – not too long ago, and it had definitely freaked the crap out of her. But it was her duty to supervise the Cannon Fodder, and if there was one thing she prided above all else, it was the responsibility her rank endowed – so with a gruff sigh, followed by a brief smacking of lips, the shepherd swaggered through the creaking ornamental gates and up the cracked pavement drive, meeting with Cinders at the entrance. She greeted the mutt with as much affection as she could muster in the situation, which was little, before bobbing her head into the dim corridor. As expected, the place was in shambles, unchanged from their last visit – except for.. something. After the boys meandered their way toward the staircase Faith padded into one of the rooms they'd inspected, finding a ripe corpse left to wither on a sagging bed. The shepherd regarded the thing with a grim reserve and, with a modicum of disgust, left to once again follow the two males. Whatever had killed the poor boy, it did not happen when the Asylum was actually functioning – that was well over fifty years ago. Perhaps he'd overdosed, or something.

Tuluse tried to put the image in the back of his mind, with all the other fucked up shit. He listened to the Toller and followed, trying to get a hint of blood through the medical, burning smells. His nose went along the ground, and whenever he saw the splatter of red on the walls, he'd sniff there too. He felt something creepy, like someone was following them. Hopefully it was one of the higher ranks, and not some creepy druggie. He wanted to gag on his own tongue, as the scent of blood did become stronger. His ears couldn't have been any closer to his skull. The smell, finally piercing through the medical. He took no real care in walking, pieces of glass and debris crunching under his thick paw pads. Blinding. A fierce strip of light hit the poodle right in the face. The place had been pretty dimly lit, but this one piece of light glimmered across the floors of this room. Strips of the light placed here and there, due to the planks of wood blocking the sun. Tuluse sniffed at the base of the door, and nosed it open, fairly easily. The door screamed softly, and opened to reveal a tinier room. A silver cart carried many items on it, the cart sitting next to a bed, covered in some poor things blood. The poodle was officially claiming this place as fucked up, "V'o check in there. V'ou screwed up last time, v'ou get this." He tilted his head in the direction of the cart, and sat back lightly on his hindquarters. Enough to giving his aching forelegs a break, but not too comfortable to not be alert.

Rushing through the spacious hallways of the upper floors, Hector's narrowed eyes scanned the area for anything that indicated they were on the right path. Lowering his head to sniff at the floor, he wrinkled his muzzle at the horrid, strong stench of chemicals and filth and quickly pulled back, disgusted. "Ah really don't like this place," he muttered under his breath, surveying the eerie surroundings as he continued forward alongside Tuluse. He cursed softly when a blinding light attacked his eyes all of a sudden, shaking his head and blinking rapidly to regain his momentarily lost sight. Huffing a breath at the poodle's remark, he gave a weak grin, "I screwed up ah'right, but I wasn't th' only one." And thank the bloody heavens for that; he wouldn't have been able to stand the shame otherwise. Slowly creeping into the room and taking a quick round, he checked the rusty cart for their objective, but found only needles and empty bottles, many of them broken. Frowning, he made his way over to the bed, taking a whiff. He curled his lips in another sneer. "Thes one belonged to a young one," he huffed as he made his way out of the room and back to Tuluse, walking further into the creepy-as-hell hallway. "They attacked pups, too. Figures." His ears perked up ever so slightly when the blood stench became nearly unbearable; the scent drifting from a room at the end. Hector quickened his pace and reached the room, peering inside. It was mostly empty, save for a single cart in one of the corners, and a chair in the middle of the vast room. Upon the old, rotting chair sat a doll; it's unnaturally big, glazed eyes staring right back at him. Hector bared his fangs in a snarl.

Faith drifted down the ramshackle corridor at her own, leisurely pace. Because she only had to tail the boys, she found it possible to go slow and admire what little there was in the asylum. But.. there wasn't much to admire, in all honesty. Paint chips littered the creaking wooden floors, as did shards of glass, and graffiti of various shapes and colors marred the already horrid-looking walls. When Faith reached the stairway she opted not to ascend, but rather recline to her haunches and wait at its base; the boys would be along shortly, hopefully - they must have learned their lesson NOT to take forever when finding items for their superiors.

The poodle chuckled faintly as the Toller came out and kept walking. Hopefully this would end shortly, he had a feeling the hunting dog was on to something, and held his head up a bit higher, thinking the higher rankings would be pleased of the pair. His eyes looked in shock, or disgust at the large doll that claimed this room. He flickered his gaze at Hector, whom chose to growl at the odd thing. The stench of blood was overwhelming, so Tuluse shook himself off, and sneezed, "V'is et in there?" he growled, not at the Toller, but at the doll as well. Who in their right mind would leave such a 'loveable' doll here? To scare the fuck out of unsuspecting visitors?

"As I have learned, Tuluse, 'em humans have a fuckin' sick sense o' humor." Shaking his head exasperatedly, Hector stepped inside the room - very reluctantly - his pale eyes scanning the room impatiently. All he wanted was to get out of this place as soon as possible and, hopefully, never set a paw inside ever again. He moved over to the silver cart, finding it holding many of the same items as the other one, but also - "Damn, finally!" The hammer, though covered in dried blood and who knows what else, was a glorious sight. Standing up to balance on his hind legs, front paws leaning on the cart's surface to steady himself, he reached forward and placed the item in his jaws. He quickly got down again, flashing the poodle a grin as he made his way back. "Les' get the heck out of here, yeah?"

Faith was relieved to hear the distinct clicking of nails on wood, signaling that the boys were descending the winding staircase. When they passed – the bloodied tool in the clutches of the Toller – the shepherd smirked, cocking her head at the poodle's remark before jogging out of the asylum herself. "I had complete faith in y'all. After all, it'd take one damn retarded bastard not'ta be able to find that hammer." Faith gave a wry look, bounding to the head of the group. "I only think y'all are mildly stupid." She paused to give time for them to respond before continuing, "Y'all can have yer fill'a the meat pile tonight. Jokin' aside, it takes some pretty big balls to go lookin' around that place."

Tuluse perked his ears when a happy tone found its way in the Toller's voice. Huzzah! Hector ran past him, and Tuluse was not one to stick around. He promptly followed the Toller, paws treading the ground in a quick trot. A dry tongue ran over the canine's maw as he focused his gaze on a rather blank looking, distant Faith, "V'idn't think w'e could do et?" He smirked pasting his higher. He just wanted to get the fuck out of that place, and back into the less creepy home of the Di Fonga's. His paws finally hit the hard soil outside, and he felt a layer of relief come over him. The poodle dipped his head to find a puddle of water, waiting for the other two to come back out.

Hector - Feeling immensely pleased with himself, Hector trotted alongside Tuluse as they both rushed to the exit. Upon descending the stairway, he noticed Faith waiting for them there. Smirking at the poodle's words, he added his own, "We found the hammer; les' get out of here, now." He kept his eyes looking straight ahead, not sparing another glance at the horrors within the building, and nearly raced his 'partner' out in the open. Breathing in the clear, fresh air deeply, he sighed in relief. They did it.
RP from Hector and Tuluse's mission with the abandoned ayslum in Di Fonga Territory.

Congrats Hector!

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RedDogKennel's avatar
Wow! you write so beautifully stubbs! The feel I got from reading this was so real! I almost felt as though I was there <3